Days of Awe 2017: The Complete Schedule

Download Days of Awe 5778 schedule
Member Ticket Order Form
Affiliate and Honorary Ticket Order Form
Non-Member Ticket Order Form (including students and Under 30)
The deadline to submit the order form online is Wednesday, September 13
After September 13, tickets will be available in the Temple Isaiah lobby 40 minutes prior to any service. If you paid for tickets though our paypal account after the deadline, print your payment confirmation and present it at the ticket sales table at Temple Isaiah. We look forward to seeing you!
Nearly every day finds our sanctuary filling with music, our computers filling with poetry and prayer and thoughts, and our hearts filling with the invitation of this season — the opportunity to reflect on our lives, to make changes, to return to our own selves, to become the people we want to be, God wants us to be. These days are meant to be a journey, some of it taken together (we love it when all of us gather at Tashlich, for example, at the Santa Monica Beach next to Parking Lot 5S off Barnard Way), and some taken alone (the blessing of self-reflection). We look forward to beginning a new year in your good company.
For a printable schedule of the BCC Days of Awe from Selichot through Simchat Torah, click here.
Click here to purchase the new Days of Awe Machzor
On Tuesdays: August 22, August 29. September 5 & September 12, 7:30pm: DAYS OF AWE-PREPARATION CLASS
For more information on who is teaching each class and the topics, click here.
Saturday, September 16, 7pm: Selichot Havdalah with Service and Study Join all BCC clergy as we bid farewell to the last Shabbat of 5777, contemplate the themes of repentance and forgiveness and change the Torah covers to those specifically designed for the Days of Awe starting at 7pm and ending approximately at 9pm.
Wednesday, September 20, 7:15pm: EREV ROSH HASHANAH at Temple Isaiah, 10345 W Pico Blvd LA 90064.
Thursday, September 21, 9:30am: ROSH HASHANAH, FIRST DAY at Temple Isaiah, 10345 W Pico Blvd LA 90064. 9:30am –1:30: Morning Services. Please bring your shofar! For the first 45 minutes of our service, we will be joined by the youngest members of our congregation, intergenerational style. Everyone encouraged to attend!. Rosh Hashanah Catered Luncheon following services- please note that a separate ticket is required for the luncheon. Childcare is provided on-site at Temple Isaiah during Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur Day. You must pre-register for childcare, use the link above. Special children’s activities with Ms. Purple will be provided BEGINNING at 10:15 for both morning services. NOTE: Tow away on Pico Blvd starts at 4pm!
Friday, September 22, 10am: ROSH HASHANAH, SECOND DAY SERVICES at BCC. No ticket required.
Friday, September 22, 4:30pm: TASHLICH SERVICES at Santa Monica Beach. Please park in Lot 5S, at 2600 Barnard Way Santa Monica, 90405. Parking in the lot is $8. We will be meeting at the south end of the public parking lot. Temperatures can dip, remember to bring warm clothing! Bring your shofar!
Tashlich will be followed by a Shabbat Shuvah Service.
After Tashlich Services you are invited to a vegetarian/gluten-free/vegan hosted dinner at the home of BCC Member Allison Diamant in Santa Monica. Please sign up in the Temple Isaiah lobby during the Days of Awe for directions to Allison’s home –Or you may sign up on-line by using the appropriate order form link above.
Friday, September 29, 7:15pm: KOL NIDRE at Temple Isaiah, 10345 W Pico Blvd LA 90064.
Saturday, September 30, 9:30am: YOM KIPPUR at Temple Isaiah, 10345 W Pico Blvd LA 90064. 9:30am Morning Services. Please bring your shofar. For the first 45 minutes of our service, we will be joined by the youngest members of our congregation, intergenerational style. Everyone is encouraged to attend! 1:30pm Break and study sessions. 2:30pm Mincha & Avodah Serices NOTE: Tow away on Pico Blvd starts at 4pm! 4:30pm Reading of Memorial Names. 5pm Yizkor Service. 6pm Neilah Service. Following services is Havdalah and a light Community break-the-fast
Sunday, October 1, 1pm: COMMUNITY SUKKAH BUILDING & POTLUCK. If you have palm fronds, please bring them. There is something for all ages: making decorations. Bring a dish to share for the potluck.
Tuesday, October 3, 5:30pm: COMMUNITY SUKKAH DECORATING & TORAH STUDY. Decorating the Sukkah at 5:30pm with lights and ornaments. Celebrate with a potluck dinner followed by Torah Study.
Wednesday, October 4, 6pm: EREV SUKKOT SERVICES & POTLUCK. Join Rabbi Lisa, Rabbi Heather and Cantor Juval for our yearly thanks for the bounty on earth. Potluck Dinner is followed by Sukkot Services. A great way to get some fresh air, relax, unwind, wave the lulav & etrog and enjoy friends.
Tuesday, October 10, 7:15pm: TORAH STUDY in the Sukkah.
Friday, October 13, 6:45pm, SIMCHAT TORAH SHABBAT SERVICES & BRING-YOUR-OWN-DINNER. Schedule: Yizkor Service, Kids’ Activities, Simchat Torah Celebration with all of BCC’s clergy! Immediately following Sukkot, we celebrate Simchat Torah, a fun day during which we commemorate the completion of the annual reading of the Torah and affirm Torah as one of the pillars on which we build our lives. As part of the celebration, the Torah scrolls are taken from the ark and carried or danced around the synagogue seven times. Bring-your-own-Shabbat-Dinner precedes Simchat Torah Services.
Ticket & Donation Information |
The deadline to submit your online order form is Wednesday, September 13. Please note that after September 13, plenty of tickets will be available for purchase 40 minutes prior to any service, in the Temple Isaiah Lobby.
TICKET PRICES Prices MEMBERS: Affiliate/Honorary: Non-Members: Ticket prices help offset the cost of the facility, security moving expenses, printing, oneg, music, and other items related to these special services.No one will be turned away for lack funds.
If the full ticket price is prohibitive, for a confidential, respectful conversation email Executive Director Ruth Geffner.
Memorial Plaque
From now through the end of the Days of Awe, individual plaques on BCC’s beautiful memorial board are on sale for $500 (plaques will be $600 after the holidays). If you purchase two or more plaques, the cost is only $450 each.