Men’s Havurah

The BCC Men’s Havurah plans social, educational, spiritual, and volunteer events for men of all ages.  All BCC male members are automatically members of the Havurah.  Non-members are most welcome to join too!  Announcements and reminders of upcoming events are emailed to our group-list and posted on the BCC Facebook page.

Click here to see the Men’s Havurah’s Upcoming Events.

If you’d like to be a part of Men’s Havurah or have a question, please contact  Brett Trueman, our Men’s Havurah Chair.

We welcome everyone’s ideas for events, help in coordinating gatherings and offers to host BCC Men’s events in your space.  Some BCC Men’s Havurah events are intimate in size and others include the whole BCC Men’s mishpachah.  We hope you will join us soon for friendship and fun!
Chocolate Tasting Party, November 15, 2015