The New Machzor (2015) is Now Available

The highly anticipated and first new Reform Machzor in 40 years has arrived! The version, in a duel set for each holy day, offers meaningful traditional liturgy as well as new pieces for reflection during the days of awe. Last year we “tested” the Yom Kippur machzor and both congregants and clergy found the texts to be uplifting and inviting. Read more on the Reform Machzor
We will use Mishkan Hanefesh machzorim this year, Days of Awe 2015/5776. To cover the modest cost, members are asked to purchase one set for yourself; we also invite you to purchase an extra set for temple guests, and to contribute to our Days of Awe Prayer Book Fund.
$42 – Mishkan Hanefesh Machzor – 2 volume set (Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur)
$8 – Personalized Bookplate per set
The nameplate can be designated to honor or be in memory of someone, in appreciation for the community, etc. You may want to keep your set at home, or leave them at BCC for services at Temple Isaiah. Books will be available for pickup at Days of Awe services or any of pre-HHD events at BCC.
Purchase the New Machzor here