Ruach Chayim Musical Shabbat on December 25
You are invited to a musical Kabbalat Shabbat service led by Rabbi Lisa Edwards and Cantor Juval Porat, with guest musicians: Matthew L. Cohen and Marla Leigh Goldstein. BCC Member Michele Madrigal Madrivince embraces the covenant. Services end at approximately 9:15pm, followed by refreshments. New friends are welcome!
The service will be live-streamed! To view a live-stream go to BCC’s Ustream channel at Enjoy our Shabbat Services and special events while they are happening live!
Marla Leigh Goldstein is a specialist in the Tof Miriam, the drum of Miriam, also known as the “frame drum”.
Marla just launched an online learning academy, Frame Drum Academy with a online program and offering Frame Drum Workshop Series in Topanga starting this Feb . She also plans to launch a fundraising campaign this spring for her debut world music album that will have some Hebrew chanting – and portions will be recorded in Israel in 2016!
“Drumming has been a foundational aspect of healing rituals for indigenous peoples worldwide, for thousands of years. All life is rhythm; our blood flows, heart beats and lungs breathe in rhythmic patterns. The sun and moon rise and set in cyclical rhythms just as the seasons change in rhythmic cycles.” – Read Marla’s cover story on LA Yoga magazine