Inter-generational Service: Pilot
Intergenerational Service at Special Time: 6:30pm-7:30pm Join us for this joyful, energetic, and lively service for ALL ages. Led by Rabbi Heather Miller and Cantor Juval Porat, honoring the holiday of the Tu B’shvat. Followed by dairy vegetarian potluck, or go out and grab a quick bite. Starting at 8pm Game Night sponsored by the 20s/30s, Women’s, and Men’s Havurot. Bring a board game!
Join Rabbi Heather Miller and Cantor Juval Porat for this one-hour service honoring the holiday of Tu B’shvat, which will feature joyful musical selections and teachings designed for an intergenerational celebration. Following the Oneg, the men’s/women’s and 20s/30s Havurot will host a game night beginning at 8pm. You can bring food to share for the potluck or step out to grab a bite in the neighborhood and return for the board game fun. Bring your favorite board game too!
On Friday, January 17 BCC is piloting our first early inter-generational service starting at 6:30 PM.
It’s going to be an hour long service honoring the holiday of Tu B’shvat (the birthday of the trees) designed for an intergenerational celebration. It will be followed by a pot-luck dairy dinner and game night.
Please bring your games and join us. Bring some children if you want. You can eat ahead of time and just play games with us if you want.
Tu Bishvat is a Jewish holiday, occurring on the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Shevat (in 2014, Tu Bishvat sbegins in the evening of January 15 and finished at nightfall on 16 January). It is also called “Rosh HaShanah La’Ilanot” (Hebrew: ראש השנה לאילנות), literally “New Year of the Trees.” In contemporary Israel the day is celebrated as an ecological awareness day and trees are planted in celebration.