A Guide to BCC on Social Media

You can find our community on Facebook in various places.
Click “LIKE” on the main BCC Page to get all the updates, news and fun stuff that are related to our community or links that we post that we think would be interesting to our community members. If you think you found a story that would be interesting to the community or would like to promote your own work please suggest it to us at website@bcc-la.org.
Also, BCC has several private groups that you can join: The men’s group, 20s/30s group and BCC Caring Community, where you can sensitively post information and requests for help for those who are ill or otherwise in need of extra care.
I clicked “like” on BCC’s main Facebook Page and I still don’t see the updates, what do I do?
Facebook (in its infinite wisdom) has made changes that result in updates from Pages you Like not always showing up near the top of your Facebook feed. If you’d like to fix that it’s not ALL videos of cats sitting on vacuum cleaners or Trump sitting on vacuum cleaners, here are some simple instructions (don’t worry – you’ll still get all the Trump you need!)…
OPTION 1 (every time you go into Facebook):
Go to the News Feed tab on the right, and select viewing the newsfeed through Most Recent stories.
OPTION 2 (if you won’t remember Option 1 every time):
There’re two things you can do right now:
A. Change the bookmark link of Facebook in your browser to this: https://www.facebook.com/?sk=h_chr
This is a direct link to viewing Most Recent stories on Facebook, instead of Facebook.com that takes you directly to the top stories.
B. Go to BCC’s Facebook page and click on the little arrow on the “Liked” button. Then selects “Posts in News Feed” and choose “Show on Top.” This makes sure that you see the updates even though your friends are posting popular posts.
Of Course, instead of all of this you can make a habit of visiting our page on Facebook and browse through the announcements, news, photos and fun stuff that we post there.
If you haven’t joined yet, Twitter is “Facebook in a nutshell,” where you can get a newsfeed of only headlines and links (up to 160 characters!). With nearly a thousand followers, BCC account on Twitter is very active , communicating with other LGBT and Jewish organizations and people.
And if you are there, please tag us @BCC1972 so we can add you to our Twitter members list, which is like a guide for all BCC members that you can connect with on Twitter, and also our Los Angeles LGBT Jews list, which is a way to connect with other LGBT Jewish people in the area – even those who are not members.
From time to time we upload videos to BCC’s YouTube account, which you might have visited by now but didn’t know you did! Remember Amazon’s cute viral video? L’chi Lach first ever performance? Cantor Juval on drag? You watched them all from there! Our videos got hundreds of views over time and you can subscribe to not miss any of them as they are uploaded.