BCC Tribute Fountain: History in the Making

BCC Tribute Fountain we have been planning to commemorate Rabbi Lisa and Tracy’s 20 years at BCC is now under construction!
The Fountain Dedication/reception is July 31 at 6:30 pm at BCC, and will be followed by our highly popular Ruach Chayim Shabbat Services.
Fountain Dedication:
6:30pm – Hors d’oeuvres and drink reception
7:15pm – Fountain Dedication
Four years ago we had a dream – a water fountain that would welcome guests into our new spiritual home. While that dream was not realized then, it was not forgotten. Thanks to our dears Rabbi Lisa Edwards and Lezbtzen Tracy Moore, that dream was awakened; and with heartfelt thanks to all who have contributed, the dream is becoming reality!
On behalf of the Board of Directors, clergy, and staff, I am pleased and excited to cordially invite you to help us dedicate the new fountain and celebrate our community that made it possible. The event will be held on Friday evening July 31, starting with hors d’oeuvres and beverages at 6:30 and a short dedication at 7:15, followed by Ruach Chayim Shabbat services at 8:00 pm. It is especially heartwarming that this is the date Rabbi Lisa began serving BCC in 1994, 21 years ago!
This fountain is just another magnificent reflection of the caring, generosity, admiration and commitment of BCC members and friends to our venerable Rabbi and Lezbtzen and to our BCC family. Please mark your calendar to attend on July 31 to celebrate this remarkable testament of our community.
8pm : Ruach Chayim Shabbat Services:
Join Rabbi Lisa Edwards, Rabbi Heather Miller, Cantor Juval Porat and guest musicians: Christo Pellani, Janice Markham & Matthew L. Cohen for a musical Kabbalat Shabbat Service. Stay after for a celebratory oneg in honor of Ilene Cohen’s birthday, sponsored by Ev Poplawski & Sarah Trutt and other friends! An evening of beautiful music, prayers and blessings!