Hello. Coming to BCC in 2018

Hello is a conversation game. It’s the easy, non-threatening way to talk about the things that matters to you most.
Hello is a conversation game. When you play, you’ll get to have a conversation about the things that are important to you, and you’ll get to hear about what is important to the people you care about.
Each player starts with a questions booklet, a pen an an equal number of blue “Thank You” chips. At any time during the game, if someone does or says something that you appreciate you give them a chip.
When a question is asked, you write your answer in your booklet. The most important rule is to listen as others share their answers. You can pass on any turn if you don’t want to share the answers you write down. At the end of the game, the winner is determined according to the number of chips.
Participants described the game as fun, thought-provoking and applicable to any culture
Studies about the use of the Common Practice game Hello have been published in several peer-reviewed research journals and have utilized mixed methods (i.e. both quantitative and qualitative sources of data).
Hello is the renamed and updated version of My Gift of Grace, the award-winning game about end of life issues. After selling 10,000 copies of My Gift of Grace, the game’s creators have incorporated feedback from players and researchers into Hello.
Hello at BCC: January 19, 7:45-9pm