L’Chayim Legacy Circle: Celebratory Luncheon

Everyone in the BCC community is invited to a special luncheon on Sunday, May 21st from 12:00 to 2:00 pm!
This year we’re extending the invitation to all those who would like to find out what the L’Chayim Legacy Circle (LLC) is about and why they may wish to join.
Click Here to RSVP Sunday’s event at capacity, but we’ll look forward to seeing you at the next LLC event! Questions about LLC? Contact Ray Eelsing
At the luncheon, we’ll acknowledge and thank members of our L‘Chayim Legacy Circle — those who have demonstrated their commitment to BCC’s future by including the temple in their will or trust.
The luncheon will recognize and honor past members who gave bequests to BCC and explore the important ways their bequests have shaped our shul.
Along with a catered luncheon, the program will also feature a musical performance from Tamara Kline. Rabbi Edwards will welcome newcomers to the circle, and describe the benefits of becoming an active part of this distinctive group.
Whether you already have a will or trust or are interested in how they can benefit you, please join us! The event is underwritten so there is no charge.
To RSVP, please contact Gordon Blitz so we can determine your choice of entrée and accommodate any dietary restrictions. Please RSVP no later than May 17.
If you have questions about L’Chayim Legacy Circle you’d like answered before the luncheon, please contact Ray Eelsing.