New from our Clergy
The “Days of Awe” are a time for serious introspection, a time to consider our actions from the previous year and repent before Yom Kippur. Rosh Hashanah’s services are already behind us, but we have collected content from our clergy that opens the eyes and the heart to a time of atonement.
Our Cantor, Juval Porat, gave a workshop just before Rosh Hashanah, entitled “Travelin’ Thru – The High Holidays’ provisions on our journey from here to tomorrow.” The class, which has been recorded, discusses our journey, origins and destinations and what they mean to all of us, and also how liturgy and ritual serve as road signs on our journey. You can listen to the class in a three-part audio segments below.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
One thing that came up in Cantor Porat’s class is Rabbi Lisa’s article on women’s roles in Rosh Hashanah and the comparison between the birth of a baby and the shofar itself. The article is originally an adaptation of the first chapter of Rabbi Edwards’ rabbinic thesis, and was first published back in 1997.
And guess what?! Due to popular demand (as you can hear on Cantor Juval’s class recording) we went out and found the rare article, and now for the first time ever, it’s published on the internet. You can read it in full by clicking on this link.