Tisha B’Av – An Evening of Brokenness and Hope

Traditionally a time set aside for fasting and mourning the destruction of both ancient Temples in Jerusalem, in liberal Judaism Tisha B’Av stands as a day to reflect on the suffering that still occurs in our world.
Please join Rabbi Heather and Cantor Juval on August 4th, 7pm for a night of chanting, contemplating brokenness and a special presentation by Joseph Shamash and Jeff Handel, creators of an award winning documentary film and education project titled “One Wish Project” that seeks to create a more unified and connected world by giving voice to the marginalized individuals we have come to think of as “other.”
“One Wish Project” began in April, 2013 with a camera, a cardboard box with a simple question written in English, Hebrew, and Arabic, and a desire to give voice to everyday people living in Jerusalem. One year later there were three films, “One Wish Jerusalem”, “One Wish For Iran, Love Israel”, and “One Wish Skid Row.”
The films have been viewed hundreds of thousands of times around the globe, receiving an extensive coverage in US and Israeli media ranging from: Haaretz, The Times of Israel, The Huffington Post, The Forward, Yediot Ahronot, The Daily Beast, and more.
One Wish Project has been awarded a PresenTenseLA Fellowship for 2014 which is an 8 month joint program with the LA Jewish Federation that provides social entrepreneurship training, leadership skills, business tools, mentoring and more to kick start our idea into a successful venture.
Get to know Joseph Shamash and Jeff Handel, the people behind One Wish Project