Weekend Activities at BCC: July 19-21 / 2013
Friday, July 19 at 8:00 pm: Shabbat Services will be led by Rabbi Heather Miller and Cantor Juval Porat with a drash by Ilene Cohen at 8pm. In honor of this special evening, Ilene Cohen is sponsoring the oneg for “My BCC Community!”
Shabbat Services at 8pm will be live streamed. On our website click the “Worship” tab above, on the roll down menu choose BCC Live Video & Audio to view the stream.
Friday, July 19 from 7:15-7:45: Music for lay service leaders and worshippers with Cantor Juval. In this short 30 minute session we’ll look at congregational tunes for the Friday night service. No experience necessary.
Saturday, July 20 at 10:00 am: Morning Minyan. Join us traditional style Shabbat morning services infused with BCC’s informal, welcoming spirit and the warmth of community. An English Transliteration of the service is available. Kiddish & vegetarian potluck follows the service.
Sunday, July 21 at 10:00 am: Member Survey Presentation. Join Vice President Lauren Schlau for the results of member surveys and group discussions.