BCC’s Annual Awards Brunch & Silent Auction is Revving Up for 2015!

We are in the midst of preparations for our always entertaining and engaging BCC Annual Awards Brunch & Silent Auction to be held on June 28.
We are excited to announce some great changes to enhance our popular and important Silent Auction.
Download Auction Donation Form
For starters, we have new computer software for managing Auction Item donations. This new software will also tie BCC into a national system for selling items online and give us access to potential bidders beyond our congregation and our Brunch attendees.
In addition, we expect to pare down the number, but raise the quality, of our auction items to make the offerings even more enticing!
One thing that has not changed is our need for your support in soliciting and obtaining quality items in support of BCC.
We have provided a wish list listing the types of items we would especially like. Click here for the wish list
If you obtain physical items, please bring them to the BCC office before the deadline, Wednesday, June 10, 2015 (but of course, the sooner the better!).
You may submit your Auction Donation online or provide a completed hard-copy form with your item.
If you have any questions please call Ruth Geffner, BCC Executive Director, at (323)931-7023 x203 or e-mail her at auction@bcc-la.org.
Download the Prospective Donor Letter