Brain Matters: August Session


Together with Rabbi Edwards we will continue to study how the brain functions and its challenges. We’ll devise ways to help patients and caregivers face challenges as a community.

This month’s session: August 1 , 7:30pm-9:00pm

“The Teenage Brain and Juvenile Justice” with our own Donna Groman,  Superior Court Judge in Los Angeles County and has been a Supervising Judge of the Kenyon Juvenile Justice Center for the past 6 years.

Groman began her career in 1980 as a lawyer. She left that job in 1997, when she was appointed referee of the Superior Court. The following year, she was appointed Commissioner of the Superior Court. She served in that capacity until her judicial election for Superior Court Justice in 2004.

Dr. Hellen Carter will also take part in the discussion alongside the Honorable Donna Groman. Dr.  Carter is a Probation Bureau Chief and holds a Ph.D. in Clinical and  Forensic psychology with a specialty in personality and neuropsychology.

The two will discuss how an understanding of the development of the adolescent brain has brought about changes in the field of juvenile justice.

“I think the research on teenage and adolescent brains has provided important insights into the “behavior” and “thinking” of adolescents,” Rabbi Lisa says on the forthcoming session, “the better we understand one another, the more happily we can live on this earth…”

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