Open ALL Night –Shavuot, June 7, 2011, 7pm

Open All Night!  Shavuot Tuesday June 7th, 7 pm until dawn.

Question: What did God say to the Israelites when they gathered at the foot of Mt. Sinai?

Answer: Can you hear Me now?

We’re called to answer the same question every Shavuot, when Jews traditionally gather to read the 10 commandments and study all night in celebration and commemoration of receiving those commandments. And with the new wi-fi boosters at our new temple (6090 W. Pico), this year’s “reception” should be pretty good!

Our theme this  year is  The Prayers of Shabbat. Come join us on this evening of learning, discussion, music as we consider not only the content of prayers, but how to offer them. We’ll play with some of the newer delivery systems:  such as video projection, meditation, maybe even movement and dance.

Starting at 7 pm with the Chanting of the Ten Commandments followed by a brief Yizkor Memorial Service, some refreshments, and then our studies.

They say at midnight on Shavuot the heavens open to receive our prayers — we’ll take some time outdoors right at midnight.

The evening will include a vegetarian/dairy and a flower potluck. Please bring something to share from your garden and from your kitchen.

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