Reading & Conversation with Penny Rosenwasser, Ph.D.


Join us on Sunday, February 9, 2014, 2:00pm at BCC for Reading / Q & A / Discussion / Book signing with Penny Rosenwasser and her latest book: “Hope Into Practice: Jewish Women Choosing Justice Despite Our Fears”.

PennyRosenwasserAnchored in Jewish ethical tradition and community, it’s an activist’s call to repair the world, featuring stories about healing internalized anti-Semitism, fascinating history, and a fair-minded perspective on Israel-Palestine.

“A wonderful, gutsy, and inspiring book. Penny Rosenwasser takes on the most explosive issues in American Jewish life today—racism and anti-Semitism, victimization and privilege, and Jewish politics around Israel and Palestine–and she does it with a generosity of spirit and a clear head. A vision of a progressive Jewishness for a multicultural 21st century comes through proud and clear.”

—Karen Brodkin, Professor of Anthropology, UCLA, and author, How Jews Became White Folks and What That Says About Race in America

Buy the book on Amazon

Penny Rosenwasser is the author of Visionary Voices, Women on Power: Conversations with shamans, activists, teachers, artists and healers, and Voices from a ‘Promised Land:’ Palestinian & Israeli peace activists speak their hearts. A life-long heartfelt rabble-rouser for justice, she earned her Ph.D. at the California Institute of Integral Studies (San Francisco) in Transformational Learning & Change. Penny is former Jewish Caucus Chair of the National Women’s Studies Association and a founding board member of Jewish Voice for Peace. She teaches an Anti-Semitism/Anti-Arabism class with a Palestinian colleague at the City College of San Francisco and belongs to Kehilla Synagogue. Read more

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